A powerful psychometric tool for senior leaders tackling complex change
I don’t know about you, but it’s easy to get lost in the world of psychometric profiling tools. I’m an ENFJ, I’m Green with some Red on Insights, a Teamworker on Belbin… and I can’t even remember what my Strengths Finder said.
These tools offered me some value on my development journey, especially in helping me to understand my preferences and identify how they relate to other people. But were any of them transformative? Definitely not!
At CoCreate, our experience of these tools is that they add value for teams and groups of people working on relatively clear operational challenges. Sure if you have people motivated by deadlines when you’re not, that’s useful. And when you’re making big decisions, it’s useful to know if people are deciding with their head or their gut.
But what happens when the challenges are not even clear? When the issues are so complex that there are no deadlines, because nobody knows where to even begin?
This is the situation facing many organisations today, where senior leaders are grappling with hugely complex issues, with shorter timescales and data coming in from everywhere to process and respond to.
And because our work today looks a lot more complex, unstable and ambiguous than when most psychometric profiling tools were developed, we need to find a new way of helping people understand themselves, and one another.
Ultimately leadership today is increasingly the work of shaping and transforming complex systems. For this work to be effective, we need leaders willing and able to transform themselves.
The iEQ9 profiling tool builds upon the ancient wisdom of the Enneagram, a system of human development passed down over millennia.
This advanced psychometric profiling tool translates this wisdom for the complex world we live in today, enabling us to understand our deepest motivations – both in terms of what we move towards, and the things we avoid.
This journey ultimately allows us to tap more fully into our human potential.
As we have introduced this tool into our work with senior leaders from the NHS, Boston Consulting Group and many more – we hear the insights described as “transformative” and “revelatory”.
It’s for this reason that the iEQ9 is the most powerful tool we have ever seen. But it does come with a warning – this tool is not a strengths finder, and we only recommend it for leaders willing and able to confront some of their hidden drivers, fears and needs through this process.
“For the longest time I was skeptical of personality test, they have always felt very pseudo science like. I guess I could say that my experience with the enneagram was positive. Learning how I show up in the world and understanding my motivations for that show up was very meaningful to me. The enneagram is not for the faint hearted but if you have the right coach like I did, then it can be a great gift”
Priscilla Hlangweni – Attorney, and contract advisor at UJ